Add more silence into your life

If you've ever felt like life was moving at the speed of a Japanese bullet train (which can clock in at 375 mph), slowing it down ain't gonna be easy.

Yet in this digital economy, slowing time down is actually doable.

What do I mean by that?

Everyone and their mothers are fighting for our attention.

It's the new oil.

Since attention is the new oil, there are endless amounts of movies, music, podcasts, t.v shows, etc.

There's an unlimited amount of content posted every day.

And it's all available to us in an instant.

No more having to drive to your local Blockbuster to pick up movies anymore.

The challenge with all this content on demand is that it gives us no room for our brain to do what it does best.


I'm not telling you to obliterate entertainment out of your routine.

That would be hypocritical of me to say because I still watch movies with my family.

But, if I may, I do wanna suggest adding breaks of silence into your daily routine.

As Myron Golden says, "Thinking is the hardest work most people never do."

When you incorporate silence into your routine, you'll feel as if time slows down.

I like to practice this by taking walks outside without my phone (if the weather permits.)

Or, if it's a torrential downpour, then I'll take a quick meditation break.

And if it's not a meditation break, another thing I'll do is lay in bed, stare at the ceiling and let my mind wander.

When I started unplugging from all the social media, the t.v shows and let my mind think, that's when time slowed down.

So, if your life is moving way too fast, I recommend incorporating silence into your day.

Take a walk without your phone.

Lay in bed and stare at the ceiling.

Maybe even pray.

You might find that there are moments of bliss in the silence.

But you'll never know if you don't allow your mind to wander.

I hope this helps.

Till next time my peeps,

Alex out