Why aren't you using deadlines yet?

I don’t know if I ever told ya’ll this, but I’m actually a professional.

What kind of professional you ask?

A professional procrastinator.

Lemme explain.

My entire school career has blossomed off doing last-minute homework.

I can’t count the many times I’ve stayed up past 1am.

If I had a week or weekend to do my homework, I waited until the night before to knock it out.

Getting my first ever nuke on Call of Duty MW2 was way more important to me back then.

And I know what you may be thinking.

“That’s nothing to be proud about Alex.”

And I totally agree with you.

It’s way better to do the work with time and knock it out rather than wait until the last minute.

But hear me out.

All those late night homework sessions taught me something valuable.

It taught me the power of deadlines.

I’m using one right now to write this email.

See, as adults, we don’t have “homework”.

And because we don’t have “homework”, we don’t use deadlines.

But I’m telling you right now, deadlines are OP!!!

I use made up deadlines all the time.

They help me stay focused.

They build a sense of “I can’t fool around because I only got so much time to do this thing.”

And that’s only 1 of 3 tools I use in my free checklist.

There’s 2 others.

But you gotta be quick because I’m putting this checklist back inside the vault on Monday.

If you wanna check it out, you can click here.

Thanks for reading and have a blessed day.

Alex “work against a deadline” Garcia out.