Can you do “the thing” for the rest of your life?

Can you do “the thing” for the rest of your life?

I ask myself this question whenever I wanna form a new habit.

This eliminates a lot of fluff in my life.


Because I’m immediately focused on the long-term game rather than playing the short-term game.

I don’t wanna do stuff that I’ll quit doing 6 months from now.

Lord willing, I wanna be 80 years old and do what I do now.

Unless I lose my eyesight or something tragic happens.

But if not, at 80, I still see myself sending out emails.

Maybe not daily, but at least 3x a week.

At 80, I still see myself writing every day.

Maybe not for social media, but for me.

At 80, I still see myself reading/studying my bible.

You get the idea.

These are just some habits I do now that I wanna keep doing until I breathe my last breath.

It sounds boring, and maybe it is.

But I wanna keep doing the normal boring stuff.


Because I wanna do less, but better.

I want to master the things I do.

For me, it’s all about the journey.

If building a large following happens because I shared my writing on social media, cool.

It’s part of the journey.

But it’s not the destination.

If making money happens because I send out emails regularly, cool.

It’s part of the journey.

But it’s not the destination.

Again, for me, it’s all about the journey.

If you want to know more, we can have a quick chat about it.

Let me know if you’re interested by clicking here.

Anyway, until next time my brothers and sisters.

Alex out,
