- Thoroughly Equipped
- Posts
- Go all in
Go all in
My level of focus multiplied overnight when I made the switch.
What was the switch?
I made a conscious decision to go all in.
"All in on what?" you might ask.
Go all in on building an online business from home.
The route I chose was through writing.
Whether that's through digital products, emails or ghostwriting, I don't know yet.
What I know is that I was new to the whole entrepreneur scene before I went "all in".
I wanted to do it all and see what would "takeoff".
I had my attention scattered on all the shiny objects in the room.
I wanted to have a print on a demand store.
I wanted to live stream myself playing video games on Twitch and get paid for it.
I wanted to create and edit YouTube videos.
I wanted to write.
When you have that many things you want to focus on, your attention is going to be thin.
I remember laying down in bed one night and telling myself "Alex, you know what you gotta do".
It was a hard pill to swallow, but I stopped all my endeavors and put all my attention into my writing.
Do I regret it?
Not one bit.
Sometimes, the only thing holding you back is committing to "the thing".
No more of this "dipping your toes in the water."
None of this driving with one foot on the gas and the other on the break.
Go straight into the deep end.
Drive with your foot all the way on the gas pedal.
What's holding you back from going all in?
Commit to "the thing" and your focus will improve overnight guaranteed.
That's all I got for you today.
Till next time my peeps,
Alex out.