You have gold in your closet

You have gold in your closet, you just don’t know it yet.

What if I told you that you have one of the best items in your closet that is severely underrated to help you with your focus?

And who knows, you might even have it on as we speak.

It’s one of my personal favorites and one I use every day.

What is this magical item I’m talking about exactly?

*drumroll please*

A hoodie.

“That’s it?”.

Yes, that’s it.

But, lemme explain myself.

About three months ago, I joined a cohort.

Inside this cohort, there are videos to watch as part of our homework.

One day I was watching one of these videos, and the guest that was speaking was talking about how to maximize our focus.

The guest’s name was Leon Castillo.

My first time watching this video, I didn’t really pay much attention.

However, shortly after discovering the importance of “deep work”, I went back and watched this video again.

This time with pen and notebook in hand.

40 minutes into the video, and he mentioned something about designing your environment for peak performance.

He mentioned how narrowing your sight has an impact of creating maximum alertness and focus.

He recommended wearing a hat or a hoodie to restrict our visual window slightly.

“makes sense” I thought.

We see broad because of our peripheral vision.

Kinda like a shotgun.

However, when you put a hoodie on, suddenly, your vision gets narrowed in.

Like a sniper.

I don’t know about guns, but I’ve played enough Call of Duty to know that shotguns spread when you shoot them.

And when your quick scoping noobs, the bullet travels in a straight direction most of the time.

So, what does that have to do with anything?

When you narrow in on “the thing” in front of you, you maximize your alertness and focus toward that thing.

And, if you’re anything like me, you need all the help you can get.

That’s why a hoodie has become an essential in my toolbox for maximizing my focus.

This works amazingly well if you have studying or any desk work to do.

AND YOU ALREADY KNOW I’m using this hoodie tip to finish the rest of this newsletter!!!

I’m telling you, this works.

You can even combine this with a hat if you wanted to.

That’s what I do to take this just a step further.

So, before you start any desk work, find your favorite hoodie and put it on.

Oh, and don’t forget to put the hood on.

I made that mistake a handful of times already.

Give this a whirl and see if this hoodie trick helps you with your focus.

I just wanted to share this little nugget with y’all.

I know it’s helped me out a bunch, so I hope it will do the same for you.

Your brother in christ,

Alex Garcia


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