Are you lacking good ideas?

In today’s newsletter I wanna share my favorite idea generation method.

Do you have a lack of ideas?

Are you willing to incorporate a 20-minute walk into your routine?

If so, sit back, relax and let’s dive right in.

Let Your Brain Breathe!!!

We feed our brain so much food.

A lot of it’s junk.

That junk is stuff like..

• Mindless scrolling


• Never ending entertainment

We’re always eating.

And because of that, our brain has no time to breathe.

And when it can’t breathe, we don’t let the brain do what it does best.


And when you can’t think, you’re being controlled.

Sadly, most people nowadays are being controlled by their phone.

I remember the days I would log a whopping 6-8 hours on my phone.

If I wasn’t watching YouTube, I was watching anime.

I wasn’t thinking for myself.

Now that I want to become a writer, I sit a lot with my thoughts.

But how do I get thoughts in the first place?

I take walks.

And I bring 2 items with me.

A pen.

And a notepad.

Yes, I leave the phone behind.

This is crucial.

Because that’s how I let my brain breathe from always being plugged in.

I let myself be bored.

And when I’m bored, that’s when the best ideas hit me.

I just make sure they’re recorded somewhere so I can sharpen them later.

How You Can Take Action

So, here’s what I want you to do.

If you don’t have a pen or something to write with, go buy one.

And while you’re at it, buy a pocket sized notepad.

Only use this notepad when you take your walks.

And avoid taking notes on your phone.

The whole point here is to give your brain a break from all the technology.

To go old school and unplug.

Let yourself be bored.

As you take your walk, jot down your ideas.

Your walk can be as short as 20 minutes.

10 there and 10 back.

This is enough time to get some great ideas down.

And it’s enough time to give your brain a break from all that junk food you’re feeding it.

So, that’s what I got for ya this week.

Thanks for reading and lemme know what you think.

I hope ya’ll have a blessed rest of your day.

Until next time brothers and sisters,

Alex out.


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