the real secret to making learning fun

I hated school.

It was so BORING!!!

That’s why 90% of the time I never did my homework.

Call of Duty MW2



C’mon, let’s be real here lol.

After reading that, I know what you might be thinking.

“Alex, you hate learning, don’t you?”

As Trump would say…


I enjoy reading and learning almost as much as I enjoy me a good ole Pickleball sesh.

But when I’m learning about stuff I don’t care about, like…

  • The Pythagorean theorem

  • Geometry


To make matters worse, I haven’t even used this stuff in real life.

And that’s the point I wanna touch on today.

When you read and study stuff you actually care about, the learning process becomes fun.

Lately, I’ve been reading and studying up on…

  1. Copywriting


  1. The Bible

And that’s it.

I’m having an absolute blast with it.

I get lost in the sauce, as they say.

I get so lost, I forget the most important part of learning and studying anything.

The application.

There are books out there that people with decades of experience wrote.

And those books can completely change our lives.

That’s crazy!!!

Yet, we choose to binge watch One Punch Man instead.

All this to say if you don’t like learning, it’s probably because you’re not diving into what interests you.

Studying and learning is a lot of fun if you do this right.

Just don’t forget to make it practical in your life if possible.

Anyway, that’s all I got for ya today.

Alex “be a doer not just a hearer” Garcia out.


Imma aim to get up at least 1x YouTube video a week.

If you wanna check that out, you can click here.

Thanks for reading and have a blessed rest of your day.