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- Start selfish, but end selfless
Start selfish, but end selfless
It's natural to want to be selfish.
To always think about ourselves first.
Me, myself and I, the three amigos.
And don't get me wrong, I'm not saying we don't need alone time.
Sometimes we all need to sit in silence with our thoughts.
Yet, the more time I spent with myself, the more self centered I started becoming.
That became a serious problem.
Because I got to a point where I was more focused on the 'side hustle' than I was spending time with my loved ones.
"Alex, are you there?".
I was in a trance.
It got to where on my days off I would wake up and not want to do anything but work on the 'side hustle'.
I rejected invitations from friends and even family to go out and actually live life.
But one day I was scrolling through YouTube shorts and I landed on this video that made me rethink my approach.
The only words I can remember are "start your day selfish so that the rest of your day can be selfless."
And so, since hearing those words, that's what I do now.
That's why I love waking up early.
So that I can get my 'quiet time' knocked out before my household is awake.
I'm up before people are making their first cup of coffee.
On my days off, I wake up at 6 am and have about 2-6 hours to myself before the rest of my day is free to whatever or whoever.
When I get the things that I enjoy done early in my day, the day is already a win.
Its been one of the most profitable things I started incorporating into my day and I'm still doing it.
That's it for today.
Till next time my peeps,
Alex out.