Stop assassinating your focus

Do you want to improve your focus?

If you do, here’s my tip for you.

Detach from your phone as much as possible.

I know I sound like a boomer complaining about phones.

But seriously, our phones are one of the biggest distractions we have.

I can’t t tell you how many times I’ve become a slave to it.

I remember there was a point where I was spending 6-8 hours on it.

My usual routine was something like working from 8am-6:30pm.

After work, I’d binge watch anime for the next 3 hours.

It was as bad.

In my early years of entrepreneurship, I always worked with my phone next to me.

That was a terrible idea.


Because every time you pick up your phone, your focus gets assassinated.

And when your focus gets slaughtered, it can take up to 23 minutes to get your focus back.

That’s insane!!!

But today I want to share my favorite tip that’s helped me improve my focus.

It’s how I’m able to focus for 30-45 minutes at a time.

Not only that, but I’m able to get more out of the time I put in.

So, what’s this super easy tip you can start doing right now?

It’s gonna sound silly.

But I’m telling you it works.

I want you to grab your phone.

And chuck that thing out of your sight.

If it’s outta sight, it’s outta mind.

Okay, on the real though, whenever I’m about to do some writing or something that makes my brain sweat, I put my phone in another room.

I know it’s way too good to be true.

But seriously, this is exactly what I do to train my focus.

It’s a breath of fresh air.

So, if you want to train your focus, before you start any work, put your phone in another room.

I’m telling you, this will work.

And if you work from home and would like to improve your focus, I want to help.

I have 3 spots open.

You can click this link, and we can have a quick chat about it.

Anyway, that’s it for today.

Thanks for reading and have a blessed day.

Until next time my brothers and sisters.

Alex out.