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- Time To Properly Focus
Time To Properly Focus
Playing your favorite video game?
Doing homework?
Which would you choose?
The answer to me was as obvious as 2 + 2.
Playing hard (literally) and working less hard was always my preferred method of doing homework.
I was anything but productive.
4-6 hours playing video games and 30 minutes of homework was my golden ration.
And because I did this for several years, my productivity didn’t get any better.
90% of my school assignments wouldn’t get turned in until it came down to the wire.
And because everything was last minute, I had many sleepless nights and a fat stack of mediocre work being turned in.
Those sleepless nights depleted me of the next day’s energy.
And because my energy tank was low from the night before, I couldn’t focus on school.
But if I’m being honest, I didn’t care about school.
By the way, I haven’t introduced myself yet so here’s a little about me.
My name is Alex Garcia and I’m a servant of the most high king.
I’m 26 and a former lazy boy working towards becoming a Twitter ghostwriter.
I’ve struggled with clarity, focus and productivity for 23 years of my life.
It’s always been my biggest kryptonite.
I won’t lie.
I’m still figuring it out.
But, I’m in a much better position than I was years ago.
So, because I struggled for so long, I want to help others who are dealing with the same challenge.
I found this out through a process called brain dumping (more on that for another time).
So now, that’s my aim with these newsletters.
To give you 1 piece of actionable advice that has helped me and is continuing to help me in my writing journey toward financial freedom.
This is only the beginning (or at least I hope).
Until next time, brothers and sisters.
Alex out!!!