The worst game you could ever play

What’s the worst game you’ve ever played?

A game that does you more harm than good.

The game that comes to my mind is FIFA.

I remember when FIFA was my drug of choice.

If you don’t know what FIFA is, it’s a video game all about soccer.

I played that game like it was my job.

And I lowkey kinda treated it like one too.

And before you say it, yes, I’d choose to play virtual soccer over real soccer.

Looking back, it was because I was better at the game than I was in real life.

Sad but true.

I remember watching FIFA videos all the time.

I wanted to get better.

I saw all these FIFA streamers and FIFA YouTubers absolutely killing it.

But here I was losing 5 matches in a row.

I started comparing myself to them.

And this leads me to the point I wanna make.

The worst game that you or I could ever willingly engage in is the comparison game.

You know what I’m talking about.

People that say stuff like…

“I wish I had their bank account.”

“Why can’t you be more like x person?”

“I could never do what they do.”

This is the comparison game.

And it’s the fastest way to become miserable.


Because you immediately take your focus off of all the blessings you have.

You shift all your attention to everything you’re not and everything you don’t have.

And before you realize it, you’re swimming in a pool of self pity where you’re the only one in it.

But today I wanna share the secret to beat this comparison game.

Are you ready for it?

The secret is to play the comparison game against yourself.

Ask yourself, “am I better today than I was yesterday?”

“Am I better this week than I was last week?”

“Am I better this month than I was last month?”

This is how I play the comparison game.

My focus is not on the progress or on the lives of other people.

Rather, my focus is on my life and on my progress.

That doesn’t mean I won’t celebrate the wins of my loved ones.

It just means I’m focused on becoming the best Alex Garcia Luna that I can be.

There will only ever be 1 Alex Garcia Luna in this life.

And just like Paul, I wanna pour out every ounce of life that I can while I’m alive.

So, the next time you’re comparing your life to somebody else’s, remember this.

It’s you v.s you.

You’re in a war with the reflection in the mirror.

Thanks for reading.

I hope you have a blessed rest of your day.

Until next time my brothers and sisters.

Alex “you vs you” Garcia out.